학생 재 등록/
Returning Student Registration


재학생 하나: $250
재학생 둘: $250+$230
재학생 셋: $250+$230+$210

학생 등록 / Student Registration

1. 아래의 양식에 빠짐없이 기입해 주시기 바랍니다 / Please fill out the form below.

*** If you are registering for more than one student, please fill out the form for each student separately. You will need to refresh the page after each submitted form.***

2. 교육비 보낼곳 / Tuition Fee:

Zelle : miracleland90630@gmail.com

(please memo Korean School, student name, and grade)

***Please screenshot and send the photo of the Zelle transaction to the KakaoTalk listed below:

KakaoTalk: (714) 260-2359 Principal Airee Lee

***교육비를 보내신 후 영수증을 스크린 샷 해서 카톡으로 보내주시기 바랍니다.

KakaoTalk: (714) 260-2359 교장 이애리